Tuesday, December 25, 1990

The worst meal of my life

Apropos nothing: 

Universität Greifswald has a special place in my heart, as the place where I had the absolutely worst meal of my life, in the University Mensa. I was given what smelled like a barely rinsed plastic plate with multiple indentations, and the mensa cook ladled in some orange-yellow fluid substance that I still do not know what it was.

I also remember fondly watching prisoners in white-black horizontal stripes suits walking in a circle, while talking to the Chair of the Physics Department (his window overlooked the prison yard). Greifswald was brown gray, everything about it and its air was colored by the coal soot.

Greifswald Nonlinear Dynamics Workshop, Trassenheide, GDR, 25 april 1990.

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