"The new paradigm amounts to turning 300 years of entrenched philosophy on its head. To use the words of physicist Predag Cvitanovic [relative of Predrag Cvitanović?] 'Junk your old equations and look for guidance in the repeating patterns of clouds'. It is in short nothing less than a brand new start in the description of nature"and I would greatly appreciate it if you could please email me the correct pronunciation of your full name."
Here is how I pronounce it:
and here is how Google transcribes this:
Tony, My mother just don't know. Hope to pronounce my name. Hey, what's up. Bye, but she's down, so I will try my best. The problem is that my first name has to wall and ceiling and I can't pronounce it myself. Yes, I guess. Talk to the claim deed from my biological clock. I'd like to give me a call. Yes, glad, that sweet. Tom credit check, see passage.I love Google voice, it's better than having a cell phone - it emails me voice messages. The best thing is the transcription. For my future merry widow it transcribes things like (excuse the formatting errors)
Sara: "I'll have a busy day" gvoice: "I wish you would die" Predrag: "Hi Predrag" "Hi pathetic" Predrag: "Will you?" "Love you" Gene: "Hey Predrag, it's Gene" "hey Babe, it's Jean" Katrin: "Hi Predrag, it's Katrin" "Hi gets cobson" Ed: "Predrag!" "Hey brother" Sara: "Hi, Predrag Cvitanovic" "Hi, but in the back see if you haven't reached" Sara: "Hi, Predrag Cvitanovic, this is your wife" "Hi today that state that it's DC's, Joe Weiss" Gunilla: "Hi Predrag, it's your long lost friend Gunilla" "Hi, padzo H, this issue as long as I said, I'm going to know" A nurse: "Hello Mr. Cvitanovic, this is Rosalyn" "Hello Missus. It's on a. This is Robert" A sales person: "Good morning Mr. Cvitanovic" "Good morning Mrs. Print out of reach" Diego: "Hi Predrag" "Hey Derek" Ed: "the ophthalmologist" "the office for malicious" Sara: "transferred to oncology" "it doesn't hurt to apologies" Sara: "driving me crazy" "hey Casey"
Sara: "because I miss you" "because Denise you" Sara: "sleepiness" "sweet business" Sara: "kisses" "He's Just" Sara: "it's a mess" "eat a massage" Sara: "it's Ellen's birthday" "A status birds" Sara: "recovering from the dinner" "recovering from the died" Sara: "I'm back home" "I have dot com" Sara: "as soon as you can" "that's nasty and" Sara: "welcome back, kiss kiss" "comes back. Thank you. Steve" Mitchell: "if I exist" "the fight process" Barbara: "Itamar's coming" "Hey. Mars coming" Gene: "would be just Clara" "could be a stickler" Katrin: "how grown up Clara and Alexander have become" "how the drawn up by mix up, but if not I have to come" Katrin: "got back on Monday evening from our travels" "got back on Monday evening from Allah. Travet..." Gunilla: "Hi Predrag, it's your long lost friend Gunilla" "Hi, padzo H, this issue as long as I said, I'm going to know" Siri: "Happy birthday to you" "Hi he has been you know" Sara: "took the candidate out for dinner" "took the copy that that 50" Sara: "I'm on my way downtown. Hugs and kisses" "I would be dot doctor Kai. Thank you sir bye bye" Dusko: "it's 9 o'clock in Chicago" "Center call think" Predrag: "Hi Evans nothing of any urgency It's Predrag I'm just calling to find out how Charity's doing. Whenever. " "HI. I'm on the nothing. Overmilitarization brother I'm just calling to find out what services and Linda"Predrag: "Google Voice" "global lawyers"
Predrag: "working like it should?" "black and black shirt"Pretty sharp, nein? I do miss Denise very much. While I am at it, on a totally unrelated topic, my prayers are answered. I just have to fall on my head, and when and if I come back, I'll be speaking fluent German: Croatian teen wakes from coma speaking fluent German. You can write anything you want about me, just spell my name right.